Ati Yoga

 Meditation to contemplation

The word Ati means primordial, yoga is union or knowledge.
Ati yoga is the knowledge of our primordial state.
We will use various means adapted to each individual to gain this Knowledge.
Discover your real nature. Be in the primordial state.
Those teachings are coming from a long lineage of yogis and the Supreme Source.
Based on the three statements of Garab Dorje are the roots of Ati Yoga.
- Be introduce directly to your primordial state.
- Do not remain in doubt
- Continue into the non dual state of contemplation.
In the Ati yoga teaching you will be introduce to those three statement
and to divers practices related to the Ati Yoga Masters and the Supreme Source.
From the primordial state your heart will open and give his Love and
Compassion like a rose emanating and offering her perfume without condition.
