Ambalam Tantra

Come to learn how to dance with life, to live freely and in good health, while evolving and integrating the highest Divine vibrations in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The various aspects of the teachings include:

Self-Realization: Discover your true nature, identify yourself more and more with your soul and the Divine consciousness that inhabits each of your cells, and less and less with your story and your personality. Learn to remain present in everything that manifests in you and around you. Lear to acknowledge the Divine in all forms of life around you.

Self-Responsibility: You are the Master of yourself and your life. All that happens in your life is your creation. Each event is a blessed teaching. The outside world is a mirror of the internal world and of your state of being. Your internal state reflects around you, and therefore is reflected on the outside.

Self-Healing:  The transformation that brings health and longevity. Once you have learned how to bring more light that emanate from vibrations of the higher plans rather than your body; once your energetic centres and channels are open and you have become master of your thoughts and emotions, your body has the capacity to heal itself. It is the gateway to global health that brings longevity. From there, the next step is the reprogramming, the reorganization of your DNA that will lead to the creation of a new human race. 

Self-Liberation: Discover your true nature that once it manifests in you self-liberates everything. You have become this bright, radiating presence that dwells within you. You dance with life, enjoying infinite Felicity and Love in the most natural way. The gates of Knowledge open to you.

Service, Universal Love: The foundation of the Tantra's path  is the expression of Universal Love and Compassion, which manifests through selfless service to others. 

Thai Yoga Massage: When your body needs to be stretched, to open up, to move, the Thai yoga massage is exactly what you need. In Thai yoga massage, the client wears comfortable cloths. The practitioner sets the client in postures that resemble yoga movements, applies different stretching as well as pressure on the energy lines. The “sen” lines symbolize the energy around the body shape while the meridians used in the Chinese acupuncture represent the energy flow associated with the internal organs. In the Thai yoga massage, the practitioner uses his fingers, hands, forearm, elbows, knees and feet.

Balance Polarities: Honour, set free, and celebrate both the feminine energy, Shakti, which is the creative force of life; and the masculine energy, Siva, which is the Radiating Clarity. Balance the two polarities, and create harmony. The development of Feminine (orgasmic) energy in your body will bring you Love, a purification of your physical and emotional bodies. Your intuition will develop. The development of the energy of the Illuminated, Radiating Presence will help you experience higher consciousness and the sweet nectar of bliss. 

Tai Chi / Qi Gong: 
Become grounded, develop fluidity, receptivity and energy in your body and practice.

Awakening of Kundalini:
Based on practices of Kriya Yoga, this practice will help you awaken the kundalini within you and will bring a new level of consciousness. The awakening of kundalini will progressively bring you:
* More energy
* A state of bliss
* Increased psychic and sensorial receptivity
* Increased integrity; and
* It will nurture higher wisdom.


The Body of  Light : The Light anchored in the physical body. You have progressed to a level where you can manifest all the colours of your being. Life has revealed all its mystery. The God within you illuminates each of your cells and plays with the physical reality of your body here on earth. You are ready to live, in your own way, in harmony with Tantra each moment. You are the expression of paradise on earth.

Consorts/Partners: The Tantric union brings a higher, more profound intimacy and allows to multiply the particles of love/light that radiate of each cell of the couple. If we are well prepared, this is a very powerful practice that allows us to evolve. In the traditional Tantra, this type of practice and sharing is reserved to the advanced Yogi/Yogini. During this exchange, a huge quantity of energy is created that can lead to either evolution or downfall. If your encounter is based on Love and respect, what joy, happiness, lightness, and Grace open to you! If your encounter focuses on the vital level, with the sole purpose of physical pleasure, you will experience energies of power and control, and what a evolutionary decline this will be!