Writen in Auroville by Dhaya Dorje in the new year 2004.
Go beyond the attach of the past and present.
Are we ready to do the step toward the Vast Grace Light?
The vital resistance who is manifested through the five senses is not allowing us to do the step.
Is it really the expression of the five senses that makes the vital so heavy or just the memories of old conditioning attach to the five senses?
It seems that this is more right, our conditioning as made some mechanism that are not easy to undo and the five senses undergoes the consequences.
The Divine aspiration brings us toward the height, climbing, climbing and climbing more toward the light
The material life takes us toward the outer and again more toward the outer in the apparent world.
Are we not tiered to climb toward the light or to go outwardly in the apparent world?
A rest is necessary so we can look downward or inside us.
It is time to integrate these energies in each one of our cells.
They are the keepers of all our past life memories up to Now.
Our old conditioning needs to be brought to consciousness.
Some love is necessary.
A little love toward ourselves brings us to access truth.
The truths of what we are really under all his divers’ facets.
Aspect that often we don’t want to see.
Why so much fear?
Those aspects are only a manifestation of what is composing us, they are ours.
So what are you waiting for to visit your temple, the body?
The body contains all the answers to our questions.
Only there we can discover the absolute truth.
Yes we are the Grace Light.
Yes each one of our cells is the Grace Light composed with memories.
This memories need to be awakened so they can be liberated from they jail, this is our own jail.
What are we waiting for?
You dare see what is in us and become free.
The Vast Grace Light is with us, we are safe.
Any way every thing that is manifested comes from us.
Are we scared of ourselves?
Think about it, the great inner journey is worth it.
That all the divine forces of the univers accompany us in our quest.
Oh clear vast light of felicity and grace who shine for ever in our hearts and beyond.
Your nature is self existing.
You are full of compassion, love, light, wisdom, truth, grace and so more.
You are the best thing that a human being can contact, find. You are equal to an indescriptable treasure that is above all values.
I found you for the first time across the Dzogchen teachings.
In your self existing presence.
You manifest yourself at the center of my heart.
In your shining and self existing presence every thing liberate itself, all is perfect.
There is no more past, present, future but just a full infinite space.
You are dominating in this eternal moment where your truth nature shines for ever.
I discover you an other time, under an other angle at Vadalur.
There we call you Vast Grace Light or Arut Perum Jothi.
In this surrounding, you manifest yourself outside me.
You come in me under the form of grace light who penetrate each of my cells.
You touch me so deeply that I got destabilize.
Your softness and love is so refine that I identify myself to your manifestation.
This identification created a duality between You and Me.
Every thing is put back into question, the past teachings and knowledge fall.
I'm so small beside you.
Prayer and invocations of the Vast Grace Light is becoming my path.
Where is gone this freedom who was part of my being?
I forgot the Teachings of my master, thinking that there is something else; I'm blind by the realization of Vallalar.
Vallalar you are so bright that I can't see no more.
I aspire only one thing, that you become an integral part of my being.
Across this Divine devotion, love and compassion is taking place in me..
The descent of grace manifests itself and frees me of all suffering and ties with the past on the moment.
I discover that He is self existing.
Arut Perum Jothi is in every thing as well in the inner and in the outer as the outside and the inside.
His manifestation goes beyond the human thought.
Our soul has the same nature than Him.
What is this nature?
It is full of joy, felicity and compassion.
This is the natural state of our Being that we need to find again.
It is self existing inside us and it is present every where around us.
The human mind likes to compare, analyze, and understand.
So I got into this aspect, for integrating and studying the relationship between the two teachings.
There the Being go trough moments of duality, doubts, times of union and of clarity who allowed us to get to the truth knowledge.
I can say that Arut Perum Jothi come from the outer to unifies from the inner light, he manifest from the inner to the outer. Nerveless He is one and unique. Because we accept this relationship between the inner and the outer Grace is present and can manifest trough the activation of our God head and the opening of the heart.
The Dzogchen takes us directly to discover our real nature who is the Grace Light. The way to approach the path and the intention is divers but bring to same step in the first place. The base is similar, the path is divers and the fruit witch is similar bring to felicity, comfortable joy and the absolute compassion or the state of Rigpa, been in your true nature.
In a more advance stage we can suppose that there is a diversity of realization between the two teachings, my experience has shown me that there is a difference. Dzogchen bring to the realization of the rainbow body, where the physical body dissolves itself into the five elements at the time of death.
The teaching of Vallalar work directly with the golden light sphere for the realization of the absolute felicity body. The big difference is that Vallalar as transform his physical body into light as he was alive, the dense matter as become pure Grace Light. As we are in this body the transformation takes place, the base is our true nature a self liberating state who allows us to start the inner journey of transformation. Yes for me the experience of grace as made a big chance n the quality and approach of my life.
After a long path which goes between the inner and the outer, I succeed to make the bridge between both of them, here in Auroville where I write this lines.
Probably that the work of Sri Aurobindo and Mother have something to do with this realization.
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